Welcome to YummyYogurt

Yohgurt that makes you say "mmmmmmm!"

Every spoonful of our yogurt brings together families, communities and moments that matter. With every taste, you forge new friendships and rediscover old ones.


  • Breakfast
  • Eating yogurt as a breakfast menu is very good. The nutritional content in yogurt is considered enough to provide energy for the body in the morning. In addition, the digestive system health will also be maintained.

  • Brunch/Snacktime
  • Yogurt can be a great post-workout snack, especially when it's combined with other, carbohydrate-rich foods. Be sure to choose plain, natural yogurt.

  • Dinner
  • For those with sedentary habits that do not require significant energy expenditure, having a fruit or yogurt dinner can be beneficial. It is a light meal from a caloric point of view that offers the right amount of antioxidants.